Ocean Interior Design
"The ocean fixes everything"
AQUASCAPING Coral or freshwater designs are changed at least once each month to prevent algae build up and to create a "new look" in the aquarium. Concealing filter apparatus within the decor is our specialty. FILTRATION All internal filter media is changed each month. Uplift tubes (if applicable) and other filter parts and pumps are cleaned to ensure maximum filter and efficiency. WATER CHANGES 30% to 50% of total water volume is changed. Addition of water conditioners are included to enhance livestock health
CHEMICAL ANALYSES Six (6) critical water quality analyses are taken at each visit to monitor aquarium environment. AQUARIUM SURFACES Aquarium surfaces cleaned free of debris and algae. All covers, cabinetry and light canopies also cleaned to prevent corrosive damage. DISEASE TREATMENT Identification of disease with proper treatment administered into aquarium LIVESTOCK We are direct Tropical Fish Importers and offer our clients the highest quality fish at discounted pricing. Free delivery and acclimation of fish as well as a sixty (60) day guarantee is included.